Atlas MarketplaceSME Solutions Group
Energy & Utility

Achieve faster and deeper insights into your meter network data from SME’s solution for monitoring and analyzing energy, utility, and IoT data. Users of any data skill level can search and drill into their data, create new visualizations on the fly, and get immediate and actionable insights.

Application Name:

Meter Deployment Insights by SME

Energy & Utility
Field Operations
Geo Availability:
North America


  • Built with precalculated formulas and metrics for misreads, alarms, and work orders.
  • Combines data from multiple sources and provides the ability to rapidly search across billions of records with sub-second results.
  • Captures meter reads down to the hour or 15 minute level depending on the read interval.


  • Detect inconsistencies, anomalies, and errors within meter network data so that solutions can be rapidly deployed.
  • Gain deeper analytics into the data collected from meter network data resulting in operational and financial efficiency.
  • Automate report delivery with gated scheduled deliveries to help reach the right people at the right time.
  • Save time on work order deployments by combining interval and alarm data in one central hub.

How It Works

The solution can be installed and implemented in four weeks on a cluster that can handle 1TB of data per machine. Data is then pulled from all source systems and streamlined using the TS load process. Searches, answers and pinboards are created using a proprietary template which further decreases development time.