ThoughtSpot’s response to the ApeCoin hack

Over the last few hours, you may have noticed the ThoughtSpot Twitter account has been posting content related to ApeCoin. 

Unfortunately, we have been affected by the recent widespread ApeCoin hack on Twitter, and our Twitter account has been compromised. This hack has impacted numerous verified accounts, including ours, despite our use of two-factor authentication. 

As part of this scam, malicious actors stole verified accounts to post links to a website in an attempt to phish cryptocurrencies and NFTs from unsuspecting followers. This includes more than 35 NFTs from the Bored Ape, Mutant Ape and Bored Ape Kennel Club communities, among others. You can read more about the coordinated attack here

Under no circumstances should you click on any links or posts from the @thoughtspot Twitter account until we have resolved this matter. 

We’re actively engaging with Twitter to both address the current attack and reclaim our account, and will provide updates when we do. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]