artificial intelligence

Using AI for data analytics: The guide to unlocking business potential

Picture a data analytics landscape where artificial intelligence (AI) doesn’t play just a supporting role but drives the entire show. That’s where we are today. Advancements in AI data analytics are redefining how businesses extract value from their data, offering tools that reveal deep insights, forecast with precision, and enhance decision-making processes. Insights from Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Analytics and BI Platforms reveal that the future of data analytics hinges on the integration of AI data analytics. Let’s explore how this technology is transforming data analytics and its implications across industries.

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What is AI data analytics?

AI data analytics refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies to analyze and interpret complex datasets. It leverages machine learning (ML) algorithms, natural language processing, deep learning, and anomaly detection to uncover patterns, generate insights, and drive decision-making. Unlike traditional data analytics, which relies heavily on human intervention and predefined algorithms, AI data analytics automates the process of data exploration and insight generation. This means you can:

  • Discover hidden patterns: AI algorithms identify correlations and trends in large datasets that traditional methods might miss.

  • Predict future trends: By analyzing historical data, AI forecasts future events and behaviors with greater accuracy.

  • Automate insight generation: AI tools autonomously generate actionable insights and recommendations, reducing the need for manual analysis.

  • Enhance data quality: AI improves data cleaning and preprocessing, leading to more accurate analysis.

Imagine you run an e-commerce store. With AI data analytics, you can analyze your customers’ purchase histories, browsing behavior, and social media interactions to uncover patterns. For instance, AI might reveal that customers who browse for fitness products are also likely to buy health supplements. Using these insights, you can tailor your marketing campaigns to target these customers with personalized offers, increasing the chances of conversion and boosting your sales.

Benefits of using AI for data analytics

  • Increased efficiency: Automating complex data processes reduces the need for manual intervention and speeds up data analysis. ThoughtSpot enhances this efficiency through its interactive Liveboards, which provide real-time data updates and advanced visualization techniques. Business leaders can quickly interpret complex data through intuitive charts, graphs, and interactive maps, enabling faster, more informed decisions.

  • Improved accuracy: By consistently applying complex mathematical models, AI improves the precision of data analysis while minimizing human error. This precision leads to more reliable insights and forecasts. ThoughtSpot’s AI-driven solutions further improve accuracy by incorporating features like natural language search, which allows users to interact with data intuitively and ensures complex insights are both accurate and easily accessible.

  • Scalability: Handling large volumes of data becomes easier with AI systems, which are suitable for growing businesses and expansive datasets. This scalability ensures data analytics capabilities can expand as business needs evolve.

  • Cost savings: By automating routine tasks to enhance data processing, solutions like ThoughtSpot help reduce operational costs associated with data management and analysis.

  • Deeper insights: Uncovering hidden patterns and correlations provide a more profound understanding of business operations, customer behavior, and market trends. These insights drive strategic initiatives and competitive advantages. ThoughtSpot’s Liveboards, combined with AI-driven analytics, empower users to explore data dynamically. Features like drill-downs, filters, and tooltips allow for in-depth analysis, helping users uncover trends and correlations that drive strategic initiatives.

  • Personalization: Creating personalized experiences and recommendations based on individual data enhances customer satisfaction and engagement. With ThoughtSpot, personalization goes a step further thanks to a customized, user-friendly interface. Data access is democratized, making it easy for every user to obtain tailored insights and recommendations that are relevant to their specific needs.

  • Predictive power: Forecasting future trends and outcomes enables proactive strategies and better risk management thanks to advanced predictive analytics capabilities. ThoughtSpot integrates generative AI (GenAI) to enhance analytics, allowing users to predict future trends with greater accuracy. This capability helps businesses develop proactive strategies, manage risks effectively, and stay ahead in competitive markets.

How to use AI for data analysis

From raw data to decisions, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role at each stage of the data analytics process. Here’s a look at how AI can enhance each step:

Step 1: Define your objectives

Start by clearly defining your objectives for using AI in data analysis. This means identifying what you hope to achieve, such as predicting future trends, uncovering hidden patterns, optimizing operational efficiency, or improving customer experiences. By setting specific goals, you can focus your AI efforts on the most impactful areas. Additionally, determining the key metrics and KPIs that align with these objectives will help you measure success and track progress over time.

Step 2: Collect and prepare data 

Data collection and preparation are foundational steps in AI-driven data analysis. First, gather data from various sources, including databases, spreadsheets, and APIs. Once collected, the data must be cleaned to ensure accuracy—this involves removing duplicates, addressing missing values, and ensuring consistency across datasets. After data cleaning, the data often needs to be transformed into a format suitable for AI algorithms. This might involve normalization, categorization, or encoding processes, depending on the specific needs of the analysis.

💡5 data collection methods every data engineer should know

Step 3: Feature engineering and model training

Once your data is clean and prepared, enhance it through feature engineering and train your AI models. Improve your dataset by creating new features or transforming existing ones to make the data more informative. After enhancing your features, train your AI models by selecting appropriate algorithms, tuning their parameters, and running training cycles. This approach ensures your models are well-prepared to analyze the data and deliver valuable insights.

Step 4: Leverage AI for insightful analysis

Once your data is clean, AI models can analyze it to uncover patterns, correlations, and trends. Generative business intelligence (BI) tools can provide rapid answers to business questions. For example, ThoughtSpot’s natural language search allows users to ask questions in plain English — for example, “How much revenue did we generate last month?” — and instantly receive responses without having to sift through spreadsheets or charts. 

Step 5: Transform data into visual narratives 

Presenting data in a comprehensible format is crucial for decision-making. AI-powered business intelligence tools like ThoughtSpot excel at creating interactive dashboards and visualizations. ThoughtSpot's Liveboards, for example, allow you to visualize real-time data and effortlessly track key metrics. These dynamic boards facilitate deep exploration of data and provide instant insights through intuitive visual presentation. 

Step 6: Forecast future trends with predictive analytics 

AI excels in forecasting future trends by analyzing historical data. Predictive models can anticipate future events such as inventory needs or sales targets based on past patterns and seasonality. 

ThoughtSpot’s SpotIQ takes insight discovery to the next level. With advanced ML capabilities, SpotIQ automatically analyzes data to uncover hidden patterns and correlations.

SpotIQ Forecast

Step 7: Monitor and maintain AI models

Regularly monitor and update your AI models to ensure they remain accurate and relevant. Track model performance, incorporate new data, and make necessary adjustments.

Step 8: Data-driven decision-making 

By leveraging the insights generated from AI analysis, you can make strategic decisions faster and potentially avoid issues before they arise. The power of predictive analytics and accurate data analysis supports proactive and effective decision-making.

What makes ThoughtSpot the leader in AI data analytics?

The 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Analytics and BI Platforms has recognized ThoughtSpot as a Leader, reflecting significant shifts in the analytics and BI space driven by GenAI. Here's why ThoughtSpot stands out in this evolving landscape:

The rise of a true leader

ThoughtSpot’s leadership is built on three pillars:

  • Innovative product vision: ThoughtSpot was the first to deliver true natural language query capabilities, providing enterprise-grade accuracy and governance.

“ThoughtSpot is now near the top of the market for AI-enablement across capabilities while reestablishing excellence in NLQ and strength in reporting features.” 

— Gartner Analyst
  • User experience: ThoughtSpot ensures customer success with advanced features, transforming how users discover and understand insights.

“Thanks to ThoughtSpot we can easily derive informative insights from our data which is integral in data-driven decision making. Its AI-powered analytics are critical for employees of any technical level to create visualizations from a given set of data.”

— Peer Insights Review, February 6, 2024
  • Modular configuration: ThoughtSpot’s platform supports the modern data stack, enabling seamless integration with cloud data storage solutions like Snowflake and Databricks.

If you haven’t checked out the Gartner 2024 Magic Quadrant™ for Analytics and BI Platforms, download your copy today.

Empowering users with powerful experiences

ThoughtSpot’s features like Monitor, SpotIQ, and drill-anywhere visualizations automate analytics experiences, helping users find and understand critical insights. These features are available across desktop and mobile devices, ensuring users have access to essential information on the go.

Supporting innovation through an open ecosystem

ThoughtSpot’s open ecosystem, facilitated by strategic partnerships and API-connected platforms, offers agility, interoperability, and best-of-class capabilities. This approach aligns with the rapid growth of cloud data storage solutions, providing customers with the best of the data ecosystem.

Additionally, Google has recognized ThoughtSpot as the 2024 Cloud Technology Partner of the Year, even with the option to include Looker in BigQuery purchases.

Driving innovation with AI and data analytics

AI is not just a technological advancement. It’s a paradigm shift in data analytics. Its ability to generate new data, predict trends, and automate insights is changing how businesses operate and make decisions. As we move forward, the integration of AI into analytics platforms will continue to drive innovation and efficiency, making it a key player in the evolving landscape of data analytics. 

Discover how our innovative platform can transform your data analytics experience—join us for a ThoughtSpot demo.