
The fastest and easiest way to
ingest data into memory

Bring your enterprise data into memory
for Search & AI-driven Insights

Incredibly Easy

Save valuable time and boost data engineer and analyst productivity with a simple point-and-click experience

Faster than Ever

Enjoy the fastest data loading speed on billions of rows of data and start searching for insights in minutes

Data from Anywhere

Ingest data from the most popular sources. Whether it’s on-premises or in the cloud, we’ve got you covered

Make all your data available in ThoughtSpot
and start searching for insights

Connect to Your Data Source

Preview and Select Data

Schedule Data Sync

Start Searching for Insights

Ingest data at scale
with ThoughtSpot DataFlow

Connects to the world’s
most popular data sources

Experience the speed
and ease of data ingestion

Native Connectors

Choose from dozens of the most common databases, data warehouses, file sources, and applications.


Build your data sync process with a visual guided experience. No SQL or coding skills required.

Granular Selection

Select only the table columns you want to migrate. There’s no need to move entire data sets.

Incremental Data

Option to only add new data to existing tables, or overwrite existing tables completely.

Data Mapping

Flexibly map columns from the data source to the appropriate columns in ThoughtSpot’s in-memory data store

Sync Scheduling

Define granular data sync schedules, down to hourly intervals.

TQL Interface

Run custom pre and post commands in an embedded TQL editor.

Alerts & Monitoring

Monitor your data sync history, view execution logs, and get alerted to problems that need to be addressed.

DataFlow was a no-brainer for us. It was so easy to load more data into ThoughtSpot, and expand the amount and types of data that we could use Search & AI to analyze.

Learn more about ThoughtSpot DataFlow

Ingest Data at Scale into ThoughtSpot

Bring your enterprise data into memory for Search & AI-driven Insight with ThoughtSpot DataFlow

ThoughtSpot DataFlow Datasheet

Learn why ThoughtSpot DataFlow is the fastest and easiest way to ingest data into memory

ThoughtSpot’s Next Generation Analytics Architecture

Learn how ThoughtSpot is purpose-built for search, AI, ease of use, scale, and enterprise governance

Want to see the magic in action?