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ThoughtSpot for Excel

Get self-service on small data sets for Microsoft Excel. Start with the basics.

  • Data exploration for your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

  • Pin static charts to Excel

  • Supports common chart types and visualizations

ThoughtSpot Team Edition

Unleash the power of self-service analytics in the cloud.

  • Connect to Snowflake, Databricks, Google BigQuery, and more

  • Pin any chart to create live dashboards in minutes

  • Access expanded library of chart types, and configuration options

  • Retain full chart interactivity in meetings with Presentation Mode

  • Manage your data sources, connections, and models in a dedicated workspace

  • Analyze multiple tables in a single view

  • Use advanced built-in keyword operators like 'contains, vs' and more

  • Create new columns based on calculations from existing measures

  • Create views using custom SQL

  • Get auto-generated models based on your dbt models

  • Community-based support

Billed monthly for $95 per month
after 30-day free trial