Mission-Critical Insight to Personnel and Workforce Management in Seconds

The Status Quo

 Imagine that the head of your agency asked you to prepare an emergency report for him/her on resource management and contingency planning.  They wanted to know all of the ‘essential’ or ‘mission-critical’ agency employees over 60 years of age who were located in a high-risk area for COVID-19 and may be even more susceptible based on race/ethnicity, limited workspace, and population density.  What would it take to prepare that report and how much time would you need?  Chances are that information exists in a database and/or spreadsheet but would require many hours and data specialists to analyze and compile into a clear concise report. 

We’re assuming that you came through on this request with ‘flying colors’ but not without headaches. Then come the  follow-on questions such as, “Now group these employees according to occupation role, program areas, the likely impact on the agency’s ability to carry out its mission, separate them by state, and how the agency might be able to utilize resource allocation by pulling similar functional roles from low-risk COVID-19 areas and from other programs in order to compensate.” Sound familiar?  Now imagine being able to type these questions into a search bar to get immediate results.  This is the power of ThoughtSpot.

Meeting Mission Requirements

More Rapidly ThoughtSpot equips the federal workforce with search and AI-driven data analytics to optimize personnel and workforce management.  Gone are the days using static dashboards or excel spreadsheets.  ThoughtSpot can do things which took days, in seconds, through a simple, smart, and fast search.

Creating Data Champions

Data in ThoughtSpot becomes actionable and users at all levels can request specific and detailed information, then drill down further as if they were having a conversation with the data.  ThoughtSpot’s intuitive solution requires no training because it is as simple as typing into a search bar to get a variety of data set possibilities in as fast as a few clicks. Whether it is workforce life cycle, contingency planning, recruitment, and retention—ThoughtSpot allows end users to ask and answer 100,000+ questions a month, reducing the time spent on data calls and making your agency more effective. 

View the Infographic that summarizes this discussion here

Relevant Examples

  • Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC) uses ThoughtSpot for project workforce management to effectively and efficiently qualify each of their employees according to their skills in order to allocate the right skillsets, the right mix of individuals, and the right level of seniority to their individual and specific projects right away.

  • A division within the DOJ uses ThoughtSpot to track the entire workforce life cycle, from hire to retire, including promotions and effectiveness in order to optimize their recruiting.

  • Federal agencies with a ‘field operations’ component can leverage ThoughtSpot for contingency planning to ensure mission readiness and effectiveness while safeguarding the health and well-being of their remote workforce.

ThoughtSpot handles all the heavy lifting so that agencies and their personnel can focus on achieving mission objectives. Learn more about ThoughtSpot here.