AI is moving fast.
Don’t Tab-blow it.

It's been 20 years since Tableau burst onto the scene and created the visual analytics category. It moved our industry forward then – but this is now. Go beyond dashboards with AI-Powered Analytics and save 15%.

Switch to ThoughtSpot and save 15%

Switch to ThoughtSpot AI-Powered Analytics

What makes ThoughtSpot the right choice
for your business?

AI-powered search

Ask questions like a business leader, get answers like an analyst.

Empower your most non-technical users to create, find, and consume insights with ThoughtSpot’s Sage’s intuitive, GPT-powered search interface... AI algorithms learn from usage to provide actionable suggestions, answers, and alerts.

Drill anywhere Liveboards

Drill into any data point to get to your “why” faster.

Fully interactive Liveboards make every data point  a door to actionable insights. And with our AI-guided analytics experience, you’re never alone when it comes to interpreting the story your data is telling you.

Built for the cloud

Fully managed in the cloud with web-based authoring and consumption across your organization.

ThoughtSpot is built to scale with your cloud analytics needs.

Interactive embedded analytics

Supported by rich APIs, our developer-friendly platform provides low to no-code assembly of engaging analytics experiences into your data apps.

You can even deploy analytics-as-code and perform scripting within your DevOps tools and processes with ThoughtSpot Markup Language (TML). 

Promotion available to new customers only. Terms and conditions apply.

We quickly realized that Tableau is workbook-heavy with legacy client-server technology, and we shifted to ThoughtSpot for delivering real-time actionable insights, ease-of-use and learning, and collaboration.

Chet Mandair, Chief Information Officer, Guidewire, at ThoughtSpot Beyond 2023

An AI-powered solution
for a new revolution

What you need to get insights 10x faster from the modern data stack.

Search & AI

Search & AI ThoughtSpot Tableau
Purpose-built for search
LLM integration (GPT) for search and AI
Consumer-grade user experience
Automated business monitoring, alerts, and AI analysis

Dashboard & Reporting

Dashboard & Reporting ThoughtSpot Tableau
Enterprise self-service dashboard creation
Custom dashboard layouts
Dashboard cross-filtering, parameters, and notes tiles
Custom infographics
Toggle charts and drag-and-drop configuration
One-click drill anywhere with no predefined drill paths
Ad-hoc and custom analysis with no content proliferation
In-product commenting and collaboration
Interactive KPI visualizations
Native mobile app for iOS and Android

Embedded Analytics

Embedded Analytics ThoughtSpot Tableau
Integration APIs
Advanced embedding
Dedicated code repository and examples for developers
Low-code developer experience
Scriptability for DevOps tools and processes

Data Modeling & Governance

Data Modeling & Governance ThoughtSpot Tableau
Open architecture for data modeling
Data governance
Data catalog integrations

MDS Integrations, Security & Deployment

MDS Integrations, Security & Deployment ThoughtSpot Tableau
Connectors for live query
Native plugins for Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel
Slack integration
Data sync for business apps (RELT)
SaaS deployment
Dedicated desktop application for PC and Mac
Enterprise-grade security (ISO 27001 certified, SOC 2 & SOC 3, HIPAA compliance)

Community and Support

Community and Support ThoughtSpot Tableau
Award-winning customer support
Free public data sharing platform
Dedicated community for product ideas and assistance

Grow your business, not your budget

Boost analyst productivity on what matters most: moving your business forward.

Business benefits enabled by ThoughtSpot




reduction in BI team reporting time

29 minutes

saved by business users per report

20,000 hours

saved annually on analyst
productivity, equivalent to 10 FTEs

No named
user pricing

pay by data volume or query


in overall savings and net value

As our business and data volumes continued to grow, we really needed a platform that would scale as we did.

Senior Lead Analyst, Chick-fil-A,
on Chick-fil-A recaptures 100,000 productivity hours with ThoughtSpot

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