
IODATA helps customers in the retail industry analyze all of their product sales data, combining sales receipt information, customer interactions, and data from other online and third party sources. All of this data helps to build a full picture of all relevant areas of the business and required actions.

Application Name:

Retail Sales Data Analytics by IODATA

Geo Availability:


IODATA provides an end-to-end solution for analyzing vast amounts of retail data. Features and capabilities include:

  • ETL processes
  • KPI definition
  • Integration of different data sources


  • Enrichment of sales receipt data
  • Relevant insights through combination of different data sources
  • Retail and ThoughtSpot expertise
  • Performance tailored to the needs of retail

How It Works

IODATA works with customers in the retail industry to identify and achieve their data goals, and implement ThoughtSpot. With experts in ETL processes, data warehousing, data combination, and preparation, IODATA provides a solution to extract data from various sources and prepare it for analysis in ThoughtSpot. Speaking the retail language, IODATA knows which data sources, KPIs and use cases make the most sense for retail.

Projects typically begin with a POC and depending on whether data is fully structured, IODATA will proceed with an ETL process or full implementation of ThoughtSpot. Implementation takes a minimum of four to eight weeks.